We look forward to making your pet feel loved!


Cold Weather Safety for Pets

Cold Weather Safety for Pets

When temperatures drop, we layer up in warm clothes, turn up the furnace, enjoy hot drinks, and take other steps to stay warm and safe. But what about our pets? Practicing good cold weather safety for pets is essential to keep all our furry, scaled, and feathered family members safe and comfortable in winter. How Animals Adapt to Cold Animals have many natural adaptations to cold weather. Our furry friends may grow a thicker winter coat, while many animals will gain weight in autumn to store an insulating layer of fat just under their skin. Some animals slow their metabolism...

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Healthy Dental Practices for Pets

Healthy Dental Practices for Pets

February has been declared Pet Dental Month --and for good reason. The most common disease seen by veterinarians is dental disease. In fact, 75-85% of pets over the age of 2 have dental disease of some form. You’re probably thinking: Great, I don’t like going to the dentist, I can only imagine how my pet feels about it! The truth is, the same philosophy that applies to you and your family also applies to your pets when it comes to dental care. Below, we’ll discuss the importance of healthy dental practices for your pets and what you should do to...

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